詹賢佳 四川省潮汕商會副會長 成都瀚洋環(huán)球洋服有限公司總經(jīng)理
“讓每一件OCEAN TAILOR的手工西服成為歷史榮耀的見證,讓每一位OCEAN TAILOR穿著者都擁有傳承的經(jīng)歷?!?/span>
OCEAN TAILOR設計團隊堅持服飾和穿著者的相系。每一位成功精英的背后的榮耀歷史,總可以通過OCEAN TAILOR西服完美詮釋。
OCEAN TAILOR在專業(yè)西服系列上,把對經(jīng)典的傳承滲入到每一個細節(jié)當中,讓OCEAN TAILOR西服不管從面、輔料、精湛的裁剪、以至于一針一線的手工工藝,都能散發(fā)出OCEAN TAILOR對細節(jié)的執(zhí)著及真誠,更為重要的是OCEAN TAILOR極力使得西服著身后密切貼合著人體曲線,讓每一位尊貴的客戶感覺西服既修身且又無緊繃的感覺,使您擁有無與倫比的優(yōu)雅魅力和高貴氣質(zhì)。
Organization Introduction
“Each handmade western suit is a testament to the glory of history; each wearer
of OCEAN TAILOR inherits the glory of classic style.”
The design team of OCEAN TAILOR insists on the connection between each suit
and its wearer. Every suit we craft represents the historical glory that powers elite
The inheritance of classic style is interwoven into each detail of an OCEAN
TAILOR suit; sincerity and integrity are visible in our choice of materials and
accessories, and in our tailoring and needlecraft. Each OCEAN TAILOR suit are
tailored to the contours of the human body to guarantee a perfect fit that elicits
the incomparable elegance and nobility of our distinguished customers.
定位于高端男裝定制的瀚洋 (Ocean Tailor) 采用同歐洲完全同步的樣板設計、工藝和面料。其品質(zhì)和工藝要求已遠遠優(yōu)于歐洲同類產(chǎn)品,一個集傳統(tǒng)工藝和現(xiàn)代審美于一體的高級手工定制男裝品牌,在二十世紀的中國,將得以更為高貴的詮釋。
Ocean Tailor is targeted at high-end men's customized thatfully synchronized using the same model, craftsmanship
and fabrics as Europe. Its quality and process requirements have been better than
similar products in Europe,a collection of traditional craftsmanship and modern
aesthetic in one of the high-level hand-made menswear brand, in the twentieth century in China, will be more noble
多年以來OCEAN TAILOR不斷專注于“獨特的榮耀之光因為傳承而更加經(jīng)典”。
OCEAN TAILOR的榮耀傳承,在刻畫時尚史詩的經(jīng)典之作中,充滿著遐想與細膩的質(zhì)感。自OCEAN TAILOR誕生的第一天起,瀚洋品牌內(nèi)蘊的貴族氣質(zhì)就傳承不息。而今天,經(jīng)過發(fā)展而升華的“OCEAN TAILOR”形象閃耀著的是更加璀璨的榮耀之光。瀚洋之所以如此自信,離不開工藝師們對經(jīng)典傳承及時尚元素的追求與融合。
Brand Culture
For years OCEAN TAILOR has implemented the vision of ‘Unique Glory through
Inheritance’ by infusing the radiance of silk into its fashion masterpieces. Dignity
has remained the central concept driving OCEAN TAILOR since its inception,
and years of refinement and improvements have culminated in a brand equity
that emanates shining glory. OCEAN TAILOR’s team of tailors has consistently
integrated classic inheritance and fashion trends to enable an unparalleled future-oriented confidence.